
CCM: the platform that enables effective communication

If you want to address your customers with clear, timely, direct messages and through the medium they prefer, the CCM –Customer Communications Management– platform is the ideal tool. Know your benefits.

Today your company has the possibility of using a mix of media to reach its customers:  traditional means of communication such as the telephone line, a contract or a printed extract, and digital channels that have been growing at a dizzying rate that expand the offer,  always seeking to be relevant in communication: reach the client with the useful message through the appropriate means.

To give an example: the son is at the university, connected to a laptop; the mother is a sales person and is on the street all the time with the phone. The father is a financial trader and has chosen to be disconnected at home: outside of work he only reads printed material. Grandma learned to handle the  tablet  and she can’t get away from it anymore. Brands need to communicate with each other, from different areas and with different types of messages.

But how do you ensure that it reaches everyone? And if it can be done, how to do it in a way that is not redundant and without wasting resources?

Cadena is the first company in Colombia to acquire the CCM solution and to have certified personnel in its application.

In addition to having multiple media, a platform is required that allows the organization to manage these communications.  Just as there is an ERP platform to manage resources or a CRM platform to manage the relationship with the consumer,  today it is possible to have a CCM –Customer Communications Management– tool to guarantee the personalization of contacts and their effectiveness.

It is a way of guaranteeing that the public that is expected is reached with a homogeneous communication;  having a concentrated information repository that can be connected with different composition tools and output through various means. But realistically, when is a company’s IT team going to be able to tackle a project of this magnitude in a time when there are so many priorities?

Cadena offers its customers the benefits of the CCM platform

At  Cadena  we have been allies with organizations such as your company to bring communications of various kinds to your clients, and  now we are venturing into the management of this platform, as a natural evolution of the business and in the constant search for solutions.  Thus, in addition to improving the delivery indicators of your communications, we can help from planning and choosing the appropriate channels.

Cadena has the knowledge and ability to implement any CCM solution in your company. Contact the Relationship Unit.

The key is to generate consistent communications for different media  and this platform offers numerous possibilities, from email and text messages, to delivery of statements or purchase payments, to name just a few, since  one of its advantages is that it allows transactionality.

It is a robust and complete solution that can incorporate all the required variables. Thus,  before a message is issued to a person, the respective validations are carried out within the areas that intervene in the generation and validation of the content,  and as a fundamental part, the legal conditions are always considered following very strict processes, to avoid risks.

One Key: Personalize Information

Facilitating the way in which the consumer receives information about products and services is a very important point for companies today,  since in a market as competitive as that of insurance companies, banking, telecommunications,  retailers,  among others, there are offers of similar conditions. That is why it is transcendental to mark differentiation through communication.

57% of the companies surveyed expected to invest more resources in the customer experience in 2016, according to a study by Temkin Group. Only 6% expected to spend less on it.

In the user experience that the customer has with the brand, it is vital that they feel that it is their own, personal experience.  It may seem that a single communication is not going to achieve it, but if you add up the contacts that are made through a statement, when you access the website, by text message, with an email or through a notification from a mobile application, the experience can be more powerful.

Also,  if instead of multiple messages a week from different areas, communications can be integrated, more value is added.

With CCM,  without changing the essence of the message,  it is feasible to speak to people in a unique way, with the information that interests them, with high levels of personalization,  regardless of the platform they prefer to use, achieving a direct impact,  by strengthening the link that you have with current customers and achieve their loyalty and fidelity, designing a single piece that encourages interaction between sender and receiver.

CCM changed the mentality in communication with clients, since they no longer need to bring them to their office, but instead put the company in their hands.

Organizations need to communicate more assertively with their audiences every day and knowing how to manage that contact is an art in which  Cadena  has been specializing for ten years and many companies in the country have already trusted this solution that we offer. Cadena  has the tools, knowledge and certified personnel to do so.

CCM Benefits

  • It facilitates the management of communication in a company.
  • Simplifies the work for customer management. He decides how he wants to receive the messages that you need to convey to him.
  • Improve operational processes within companies.
  • Optimize the interaction between various areas to personalize content.

Advantages for your company

  • You can forget about managing all communications, we do it for you.
  • You will talk closely with your client, with the data that he wants to receive from your product and/or service.
  • Unify communications regardless of the channel through which it reaches the consumer.
  • It gives consistency to all the forms of communication you have with your customers.

Success stories

Many world-class companies have improved communication with their customers thanks to the CCM tool. Here are two examples:

Bradesco, Brazil

ABnote  is a leading North American company in preparing secure documents and is an ally of the  Bradesco bank ,  from Brazil. This union used GMC’s solution to convert Bradesco’s transactional documents, including credit card and bank statements, to a more flexible model that would allow them to print color messages on their products, hand in hand with a third ally such as HP, since evaluated the value of adding promotional or educational messages to transactional correspondence. In this way they could attract customers, generate a competitive advantage for the bank and bring in new sales of the bank’s products and services.

After several meetings between the three companies and some prototypes, in a month and a half they installed the software, the hardware, trained the staff and had the application tested, a job that required several months, responding to Bradesco’s urgent needs.

shanghai telecom

The telecommunications company wanted to improve the customer experience across print, email communications, and mobile channels by enabling the integration of multiple data sources into a unified management, for multi-channel output.

  • Enable the delivery of electronic invoices.
  • Reduce printing costs.
  • Support customers through various channels.
  • Obtain valuable information for the CRM system.
  • Improve interaction and communication with customers.

Hand in hand with this solution,  Shanghai Telecom  created multi-channel communications that are scheduled and executed automatically.


qiip: a brand that improves the user experience through onboarding

Understanding the user’s need, what they are looking for and how they access the service or product they are going to purchase, is essential during their shopping experience. We tell you about the case of qiip and how they achieve a satisfactory first impression from  onboarding .

For companies that offer their products or services through platforms, one of the biggest challenges is the design of the browsing experience when a user accesses it for the first time. In fact, according to  a study carried out by technology consultant Andrew Chen , applications are losing around 80% of users during  onboarding  and three out of four of them install an application and abandon it within three days due to lack of understanding. of the platform or attention on it.

How to attract users and improve their experience?

 qiip  is a digital platform with a presence in Mexico and Colombia, which seeks to provide tools that help people improve their financial well-being. To do so, they have a  marketplace  of products and services focused on understanding the needs of people and, in this way, offering them the solution that best suits them.

Its most outstanding services are: the  financial well-being test  , so that people understand the current state of their finances and the  personalized coaching  sessions by video call.

Being a completely digital platform, its biggest challenge has been to design an experience that articulates its promise of value with the impression that people have when they enter your application.

For qiip, the most important thing is to generate value for the user. Therefore, they interpret their data as an opportunity to build a long-term relationship.

Since its inception in 2019, they went from having 200 to 276,000 users in 2021, analyzing data and taking strategic actions through onboarding. Currently, 80,000 of its users have taken their products and services, and they have 92 partner companies.

“We implemented a strategy based on the scalability of people entering the platform, automating processes and walking towards digital transformation, combining data analytics with user experience,” Miguel Gaytán, qiip user experience leader, tells us.

To achieve this, they used the  design thinking methodology as a guide towards the technological transformation of the company and tools such as dashboardanalytics , among others. This makes it possible to understand the user’s needs and where they arrive or get lost during the journey on the platform.

The key to your technological transformation process

1. Combination of research and analytics

Before developing a new product, they are concerned with understanding what the user’s needs are and wonder if there are prior personalized expectations that they must meet.

2. Implementation of agile methodologies
They are clear that their platform must be in constant change, that is why they work through goals and objectives that are periodically monitored. Confidence and assignment of tasks makes it easier for them to move projects forward.

3. Adoption of collaborative work
Saving information in the cloud and integrating tools for shared creation allows them to work in real time and from different countries.

What to take into account to improve the user experience?

For the success of a digital experience, Miguel Gaytán recommends:

  1. Build a long-term relationship with the user and their information.
  2. Minimize the amount of information requested from the user in the  onboarding process  or within the platform.
  3. Use metrics and analytics to experiment and test what is working and what needs to be improved.
  4. Manage the communication channels with the user and understand what each of them is for.
  5. Automate processes more and more. Thus, loads are released in operations and faster scalability is given.

Digital transformation to prevent risks such as money laundering

In order for companies to carry out increasingly reliable, transparent and secure businesses, it is necessary to correctly manage and prevent risks of money laundering, financing of terrorism and financing for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (LA/FT/FPWMD ).

Currently, there are companies obliged to establish a  Comprehensive LA/FT/FPADM Risk Self-control and Management System , which implies the identification of their own risks and the analysis of their exposure to them, contemplating factors such as geographical areas where they operate, their counterparties and final beneficiaries, among other relevant aspects.

Even if you are thinking of implementing an  ML/FT risk management system , you should consider the possibility of using technological tools or digital platforms that support the processes established for the correct relationship with third parties.

Why is it important to evolve and promote digital transformation focused on LA/FT/FPADM risk management?

Organizations must be aware that risk scenarios will always exist and begin to promote uncertainty management and incorporate for this purpose all the necessary tools that have emerged thanks to  digital transformation.

“  Well-used technology  is an ally of the human being, because it contributes to guaranteeing a better quality of life and better decision-making. In everyday life, it makes it possible  to manage risks  such as early warnings of tsunamis and droughts,” says Juan Camilo Tirado Marín, administrative director of Agrograin SA.

How to implement technologies in favor of ML/FT risk management?

These are good practices recommended by Juan Camilo Tirado Marín, administrative director of Agrograin SA


Do not weaken controls with third parties (interest groups, employees, area of ​​influence, etc.), based on your own perceptions.


Implement  focus groups , where participants can share news and discuss these platforms and their updates, from which valuable information can be obtained. This would help the team in charge of ML/FT/FPWMD risk management to be increasingly autonomous and expert on the subject.


Carry out a standardization of the process to define a procedure, establish a methodology, delimit the scope of each user and make this implementation more organized.


Segment the information, evaluating which alerts and results are repetitive, so that it is increasingly refined and that access to it is faster and faster.

If you are taking your first steps in ML/FT risk management, what to do?

You have the advantage of handling these issues correctly from scratch, so you can promote the independence of the risk management team, give them autonomy and empowerment to consult any third party with whom they intend to do business in the company.

If you still do not have platforms or technologies focused on ML/FT risk management

  • Implement risk management processes, ML/FT, as a prevention method and not after the risk has materialized.
  • Train your staff in the use of ML/FT risk management platforms, so that everyone is clear about the reasons for each decision in the organization.

What benefits does the implementation of these digital platforms against ML/FT risks bring to a company?

technological transformation

“When risk management is comprehensive, it must incorporate or promote the acquisition of platforms and  technological developments  and guarantee access to reliable, relevant, timely and useful information. Thinking about the management of these risks without digital tools would be ineffective,” adds Juan Camilo Tirado Marín, administrative director of Agrograin SA.

Good reputation

These platforms allow you to have clear, reliable and complete information on the legal and natural persons with whom you have or are thinking of establishing relationships of trust, and avoid entering into contractual relationships with organizations that carry out criminal activities. With risk management and the support of technological tools, you can mitigate the exposure and/or materialization of risks associated with money laundering and terrorist financing.


ML/FT risk management with the support of platforms or technological tools contribute to the stability of businesses based on informed decision-making that builds the future of the company.


Uncertainty   is one of the main characteristics of today’s world and one way to reduce it is by trying to provide the highest possible certainty . Platforms or support tools for ML/TF risk management provide this value to organizations that face uncertainty on a day-to-day basis, because from them security, trust and reliable and timely information are obtained for the decisions that are made. what to carry out

If you don’t know where to start, look for allies to support you in this effort. Cadena, for example, is a company that accompanies the transformation of ML/FT risk management processes with an expert legal team. Learn more  here .

Source:  Juan Camilo Tirado Marín, administrative director of Agrograin SA, expert in asset laundering risk management, terrorist financing and weapons of mass destruction.


Incentive Program: an ally to increase productivity

An incentive program is an efficient tool for those companies that seek to grow their sales and differentiate themselves from their competitors, since they improve the productivity and motivation of employees when achieving joint objectives. Learn about its benefits and how it works.

Did you know that companies that have an  incentive plan  increase their  sales by 50%  and obtain  benefits  of  27%  more than the rest of  the companies  in the sector? According to a  study of labor trends by the multinational Sodexo .

This is accompanied by other advantages such as  dynamizing the commercial area, distribution channels  and   the  sales force,  to retain   employees with strategies and thus, strategically reward compliance with the proposed results. For example, a cash bonus or a catalog of prizes that reward the effort of an employee who generated value for the company.

How does an incentive program work?

“Our starting point is to understand that  motivation  starts from the  aspiration  and being of each collaborator. For this reason, we start with the collection of  information  on each participant, for the construction of the model that best suits them, as well as the analysis of the sector and the company .  With 360° knowledge of the person and the company, we achieve that the expected extra mile results in the employee choosing a reward to their liking or need”, says Manuel del Corral, Manager of the Chain Marketing Process, a company that He has been working for more than 18 years building  incentive models  to support businesses that want to inspire their teams. 

Other key aspects of an incentive plan are:


Define objectives
Set yourself quarterly, semi-annual and annual goals linked to the priority that the  company has .


Identify the interests of your employees
Be clear about what  motivates  your  collaborators : free time, rewards or money. Based on this information, adapt what type of  incentive  you are going to give your team.


Make control boards with the   business  indicators  and the results of the  proposed objectives  . With this point, you will be able to follow up on priorities and detect challenges on time.

Another strength of incentive plans is prioritizing the well-being of employees and improving their job performance. At Cadena we present you with an offer that integrates analytics, business intelligence and automation of processes framed in interaction. We currently have more than 15,000 participants and approximately 1,018 physical and digital references with more than 70 national providers.

Incentive program: success stories of global companies

Netflix: time flexibility

This is a  company  that is committed to rewarding and increasing the motivation of its work teams, giving them the possibility of distributing working hours. Its  main objective  is for  employees  to give results regardless of how they manage their vacations, free time or work.

Mattel: Paid Time Off

For this  company , it is important that its employees share time with their families. For them, employees have 16 free and paid hours a year as a  labor benefit  to participate in school events or family activities.

Facebook: financial bonus

For this  company , it is important that its employees share time with their families. For them, employees have 16 free and paid hours a year as a  labor benefit  to participate in school events or family activities.

“Our purpose is to continue supporting organizations to transform their marketing processes, we are experts so that through technology, we find an effective way to reach consumers, based on the most important asset: human capital,” adds Manuel Del Corral, Manager of the Chain Marketing Process.


Intelligent automation: beyond strategy

Reducing costs in time, in the operation and achieving that processes that were carried out in hours can be done in seconds, are the result of technologies such as hyperautomation. Know its benefits and how to implement it.

Did you know that the expectations that hyperautomation points to will be a market of approximately 600 million dollars by the year 2022? According to a Gartner study , the automation of internal business processes has changed the way work teams and leaders understand their business models.

Its main objective is focused on becoming more efficient, sustainable and creating better experiences for users, using complementary technologies such as virtual assistants,  automation solutions with process robotics, data mining and artificial intelligence .

“Organizations will need more automation of IT and business processes as they are forced to accelerate  digital transformation plans  in a post-Covid,  digital-first world,” says Gartner research vice president  Fabrizio Biscotti .

Even for Biscotti, hyperautomation has gone from being an option to a condition of survival, as organizations will need more  automation of  technology and business processes . In addition, the Gartner team  , according to the data from the study, foresees a 30% reduction in operating costs for companies by 2024. So how do you manage to implement these technologies and what to consider?

The use of automations with intelligent robots reduce time and give data capture efficiency. For example, if you are a company looking for talent and you have 100 resumes, the robot gives you the information of the candidates that are most connected to your organizational culture.

Five keys to digital transformation and hyperautomation

José Alonso González, BeeckerCo Event Coordinator,   and Daniel León, an Engineer from the same company, an expert in this technology, share the following recommendations for implementing hyperautomation in processes.


repetitive processes

Define what will be the key information and activities that you are going to automate.

Then, it constantly performs the same action, this  tells the robot  how assertive it can be with analytics. As a tip, it focuses on the processes from reasoning rather than from human interpretation.


Resource Planning Software

Using  platforms  such as the Business Management System -SAP-, which contribute automatically to the planning of business resources, not only reduce costs but also increase the productivity of collaborators in project issues, finances, materials management, among others.


test scopes

Testing before production in any process  fixes failure errors and allows data extraction to be more assertive.


Constantly updated

At this point, it is necessary to constantly update the platforms and, in turn, your robots. This helps to innovate internal processes and make the software more efficient.

But before making necessary updates, it is important that the  team is trained  in the use of digital tools.

Benefits for companies

  • Control and monitoring of each of the activities in order  to reduce time.
  • Eliminate downtime for employees.
  • You get more results with less effort and costs.
  • Systems integration through  technologies  that help operational processes to have better scalability and adaptation to changes.
  • Increased profitability by increasing analytical capabilities  .

Another factor that has driven hyperautomation has been  teleworking . This new way of working encouraged the teams to adapt to a digital environment and with it to use  the cloud .

According to Forrester research  , cloud microservices provide an easily scalable and modular technology ecosystem. In addition, it is expected that over the next year, 50% of companies will move their critical operational applications to the cloud.


Blockchain as a digital identity management system

Demonstrating the digital identity, both of individuals and companies, is key to the economic, social and financial development of countries, because it is part of the comprehensive solutions that allow customers to be identified in the online  world .

According to  Tech Crunch , some technologies of the  Fourth Revolution  , such as  blockchain,  have become the “crystal ball” for entrepreneurs, operators and central banks. In this way, they investigate the future of their business model with respect to their clients and can make immediate decisions.

This is thanks to the identity or digital signature   of the users, which is made up of all the  data and interactions  that each person registers on the internet on different platforms. For example: email, photos, banking information or online searches.

The future of data management and digital identity


Cybersecurity in universal identity

Cyber ​​security is  built with artificial intelligence  models   that allow facial, voice or fingerprint recognition. In this way, the companies most exposed to multiple risks create databases of information and interconnect accounts so as not to generate “cracks” in the system.

In fact, companies like  ObjectTech , according to  Tech Crunch , are testing programs to promote the right to identity. One of them is created so that participants can use their fingerprint to cross borders or open bank accounts.


digital reputation

It is focused on how other users  rate digital content . Some points to take into account to improve it are: participation in social networks, the website, experience and connections in events by entities that are in an online context  .

According to Hubspot , “60% of consumers say that they move away from a brand if they find a majority of negative comments and 17% of them distrust if they do not find reviews or traces of other buyers.” In this sense, the relationship between the brand and the  digital reputation is created by prosumers or customers. So what to keep in mind to create a positive reputation? The answer lies in having a data measurement strategy  , being assertive with communication, and being empathetic with audiences.


Blockchain, as a digital security solution

  • Biometrics, connections with friends, family or online cross references, structure the information to have greater control of what are the key points in a   consumer’s digital identity.
  • Zero-knowledge proofs allow   you to manage data and access information without revealing it to external sources through encryption that processes the content of interactions.
  • Another important aspect is registration. For this reason, the  blockchain  makes it possible to consolidate an identity pattern, protecting this online signature from outsiders.

How to improve the positioning of digital identity?

  • Take advantage of social networks to share your competitive advantage and your value offer.
  • Build your digital identity while preserving the corporate image.
  • Define which platforms or channels you are going to be present on.
  • Analyze the metrics.


Comprehensive strategies for a true digital experience, how to achieve it?

Omnichannel strategies aim to achieve a long-term relationship with users, adapting to their needs and purchasing behaviors. Some keys to building these connections over time have to do with updating the data and listening to the audience.

Has it ever happened to you that when you enter a brand’s website you have the possibility to choose whether to send a message by email, communicate through their social networks or visit the physical headquarters? This is precisely the experience proposed by  omnichannel strategies , which focus on sales and service, both in the shopping experience and in  user onboarding  .

But for such a strategy to work and its results to be satisfactory or superior, customer data must be integrated in order to build profiles of each one, in such a way that it is possible to generate more personalized interactions.

In fact, according to a study carried out by the  market intelligence consultancy, IDC , consumers who live omnichannel experiences are 30% more likely to create ties with the brand for long periods of time than those who buy through a single channel.

According to the same study, companies that have a  consolidated omnichannel strategy  obtain a loyalty percentage of more than 89%, compared to 33% of companies that do not use them. Therefore, these are some recommendations:

Omnichannel and multichannel strategies are different. The first, has as its main objective to attract buyers and take advantage of the channels to create approved experiences and thus accelerate purchases. The second focuses on giving the user different products with just a swipe of the screen.
  • Know who your  buyer  persona is

Know clearly what is  the personality and behavior  of your target audience. For this, market research with real data from your users is key.

  • The main thing is your client

The channel unification strategy   should be around the consumers and not the company. Here, it is important that the basis of the strategy is a satisfactory experience from start to finish for your consumer.

  • Reduce response times in customer service

At this point, you can use  artificial intelligence or automation processes  that allow you to speed up response times to a user’s request.

  • Integrate and measure data

The data  that you obtain from the physical experience of the users with your brand is important to cross it with the  digital one.  The metrics give you an analysis of the buying behavior of your customers, their frequently asked questions, the journey they take through your channels, at what moment they decide to buy or at what step of the experience they disconnect.

How do companies benefit from omnichannel experiences?

  • You have an overview of all the interactions that a person generates with your brand. This makes it easier for you  to design a   more personalized customer journey .
  • You guarantee consistency and homogeneity for your consumers in the different communication channels, increasing sales and having a  greater follow-up  of them.
  • Online  and physical experiences  at the same time. For example, your customers can buy online and finish their purchase at the physical location or they can use their devices to live different and unique digital experiences at the point of sale.


Digital ventures: a trend that is here to stay?

-commerce  has become the number one digital tool for companies to differentiate themselves from their competition, thanks to features such as omnichannel models, better user experience, and reduced operating costs.

In a survey carried out by  SendCloud-commerce  has grown 6.7% in the last year  thanks to the pandemic. This, taking into account that for the consumer, the experience during their purchase process has become one of the most important factors in making their final decision to carry the product or not.

Even, as a consequence of the quarantines during the pandemic, more than 70% of people in the world began to buy  online,  generating  profits for the companies that were online for about 39,000 USD . These results have led more and more entrepreneurs to transform digitally by creating  100% online ventures  that grow exponentially in their first months, according to the  Change creator technology and trends magazine .

So how to achieve it and what kind of good practices to implement? To do this, we share these global success stories  .

Its initial purpose in 1994 was to be an online bookstore. However, its success transformed the company with  online sales  of all kinds of products such as appliances, technology or entertainment. It currently has 560,000 users and generates net revenue of $177.9 billion, shipping worldwide. How did they do it?

  • Technologies of the Fourth Revolution:  implementing technologies such as  big data , process automation, and artificial intelligence in its  digital processes have allowed this online company to more accurately analyze its users’ data, create more precise algorithms, and be more assertive with the publicity of the services and products that they offer to their final buyer.
  • Low prices and fast shipping:   Offering different products from different categories with affordable prices, fast shipping and successful navigation and digital experiences in onboarding  have been three successful Amazon practices.
    Consumers prefer businesses where they have no difficulty understanding where or how to shop, can trust that their money hasn’t been lost, and get their orders as quickly as possible. This improves the perception of service.
  • Stock availability  :  they positioned themselves as an  e-commerce  that has the solution for all kinds of needs. This purpose has led them to create different alliances to be the number one option in delivering what the client really needs.


This e-commerce website is known for offering auctions of technological products, which include a buyer protection program to offer you a  differential service .

The strategy focuses on both B2C and B2B commerce. Buyers can create their accounts for free, but sellers do pay a small fee. Their success has led them to operate online in more than 100 countries around the world, including the United States, the Netherlands and Mexico, thanks to practices such as:

  • Experience in the service:  the attention and trust that this company has generated to its clients have been key in its growth process. Achieving satisfied and happy customers through the service  and experience that the platform offers to its consumers is their first tactic.
  • Online reputation:  one of their strategies to build trust during the user’s purchase was to build their  online reputation . For example, through  recommendations,  feedback  , and product ratings , this  e-commerce  shows its target audience the best option for the product they are looking for.
  • Sales for companies:  becoming a channel in which companies also earn money was the solution so that those who had too many unsold products in  stock  could market at better prices.


Recognized in the world as the Amazon of Japan, this is one of the 10   largest e-commerce companies in the world. In its beginnings it had six employees and currently has 10,000 and operates in 24 countries, including Switzerland, Portugal, Ireland and Austria.

Esto, sumado a que el 90% de usuarios japoneses en internet tienen una cuenta y 40.000 empresas e inversionistas como Pinterest, la selección de fútbol de Barcelona, la NBA o el Golden State Warrios, la han posicionado como una de las mejores plataformas del mundo. ¿Qué acciones han adelantado?

  • A través de un sistema de puntos vinculado a las tarjetas de crédito, este e-commerce les permite a los consumidores acumular puntos por compras en su plataforma, una táctica que fortalece la lealtad de los clientes y los motiva a consumir cada vez más productos.
  • Technologies such as  big data  and artificial intelligence have improved the logistics of shipping and delivering products, reinforcing the user’s digital experience and improving the service.
  • Strategies focused on  Growth hacking  for the consumption of  electronic commerce  in three moments: the first to attract users to the  website , the second to activate and generate actions such as browsing the platform or buying and the last, to build customer loyalty and generate happiness with their purchase, have been his greatest source of success.
Omnichannel, user experience and service satisfaction are aspects that Amazon, eBay and Rakuten have in common. Their main objective is not to sell, but to create experiences that make their users feel happy and safe to buy again.


Technological transformation in the education sector

In the education sector, technological transformation is key to generating innovative and flexible learning experiences, based on solutions such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, robotics and process automation.

Before the pandemic, in 2015, only 25% of the education sector was implementing Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies such as  machine learning,  and 58% planned to do so in the next two years, according to a study carried out by the multinational IDC for universities. Even, according to the same study, technological innovation in the sector advances at a higher level through data that allows better decisions to be made about the implementation of technologies in traditional teaching processes. But how to start this digital transformation that accelerated during the economic situation?

Montessori School: a success story

Since 2005, the  Montessori School  has been preparing for the new challenges of the technological future with the creation of robotics seedbeds for its students. This area of ​​training was incorporated, some time later, in the Technology and Computer Science curriculum up to eighth grade, due to its benefits in the development of investigative skills. Then, in 2012, a prioritization of strategies was made to implement seedbeds on 3D and video game creation. Thus, the school rethought itself through virtual environments that students began to incorporate into their study methodologies.

“We seek to generate a culture of research and solutions from technology. For this reason, since 2018, we have given our students the opportunity to delve into the field of programming by learning and applying tools, including  Scratch .  Our purpose with this is for students to develop algorithmic thinking that allows them to use technology in different ways, according to their interests and personal concerns”, says Jesús Ángel Castro, director of studies at the school.

To achieve this, they took into account the following strategies, in order to promote and ensure the transition of teachers during their adaptation to the digital environment, as a scenario for their own learning and that of their students.

“Technology is not the methodology but the facilitator, that is, the means to be at the forefront of digital processes. The key will always be in the pedagogical models and their effectiveness in managing it among students and other educational personnel”, Myriam Montes, rector of the school.



Implementation of training and training agendas aimed at teachers on  digital tools , to use them as support in learning processes. This resulted in the certification of technology-supported teaching skills through  Google Education .


Appropriation of technology by teachers to build and transfer knowledge to their students and other teachers.


Use of technology in favor of classes. This, in order for students to develop games,  podcasts , videos, among others, to create new learning experiences according to their tastes.


Creation of support systems: teachers who are more proficient in technology facilitate this adoption among those who need it the most, thus reducing resistance to these tools.


Promotion of technology within the day to day, understanding the value of applications and knowledge management; taking into account that once it is learned, it must be put into practice, transferring that knowledge and continuing to nurture it with new knowledge.


Implementation of the  Schoology virtual platform  to complete educational processes. Teachers appropriated it to encourage interaction with students, have more access to academic resources, and have a tool for the transfer and exchange of learning with the entire educational community.


Provision of an annual budget for investments in technology.


  • The participation of families is key to establishing a technological culture.
  • The training of teachers and students has generated autonomy and has improved technological processes. At this point, it was key to ensure the application of what was learned in a cycle that includes monitoring and monitoring of the results.
  • The generation of experiences for children has improved their process of adaptation to a digital age based on their personal interests.
  • The training of teaching staff on the management of digital systems and tools is the first step in technological transformation.

The Montessori School is certified by organizations such as  Cambridge International Education  and  Icontec . In addition, they recommend that other entities in the education sector begin their digital transformation processes, giving importance to technological development, projection and planning, motivating teaching staff in new digital practices, taking advantage of city tools or projects in Medellín such as Ruta N and strengthening a culture that sees technology as something natural and everyday.


Myriam Montes, rector of the Montessori School.

Jesús Ángel Castro, director of studies at the Montessori School.


Global cases of technological transformation

Adaptation during companies’ technological transformation processes pose a challenge, both in their internal structure and in their technological architecture, because they must train talent, transform culture and lead digital innovation.

In a survey carried out  by KPMG among company executives from Australia, Canada, China, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom , among which Outlook stands out, it was revealed that the implementation of digital transformation processes has made it possible to strengthen the capacity response to disruptive events, such as the high flow of communication or the maintenance of activity.

Even during the pandemic, 80% of the companies in the world advanced their technological transformation, taking into account that it  is not just adapting to technology, since the change comes from within the organization,  that is, from the collaborators. For this reason, we share these success stories of companies that have improved their performance and income.

Best Buy

It took the company around seven years to finish its digital transformation process. His biggest challenges were moving from snail mail to digital marketing, delivering a value-added proposition across a range of products beyond CDs and TVs, and positioning himself within retail companies. As a result of its transformation processes, the company’s shares increased in value from USD 23.70 in 2012 to USD $74. How they did it?

  1. Staff:  they trained their staff to advise consumers taking advantage of digital devices and thus improve delivery times. In addition, they used technology to achieve more assertive and strategic communication between the teams. This achieved better results in the processes and reduced times.
  2. New focus for employees:  In order to improve delivery times, the company created a price match program and changed the approach to consulting its employees. It wasn’t just selling to customers, but they were trained to offer in-home consultation on how to best use mobile devices.
  3. Business reconfiguration:  initiatives focused on motivating the workforce were created, for example, discounts, training, and they encouraged their employees to rethink the way they used their assets and related to their suppliers.
  4. Personalization:  within their  marketing plan  , they used data analytics to learn more about the tastes, preferences, and behaviors of their customers to give them a multi-channel experience that allows them to find the same benefits for consumers both in an online and physical  store  .

“Eight in 10 surveyed executives in North America say their recent change efforts have involved multiple functions, business units, or the entire company. And 68% of them stated that the main objective is to digitize the organization’s operating model”. McKinsey Global Survey study.


NewTel PCS

Esta es una de las principales empresas de telecomunicaciones en Bolivia, Haití y República Dominicana. Su principal reto fue optimizar sus operaciones comerciales e incluir acciones para evitar generar fricción en los equipos de la organización. Actualmente, tienen más de un millón de clientes gracias a su proceso de transformación digital que lograron gracias a:

  • Correo electrónico y teléfonos: los colaboradores tenían que llamar varias veces a los clientes para comprobar el estado de su solicitud, entonces mejoraron el rendimiento de los empleados y redujeron tiempos en solicitudes.
  • Standardizations:  There were no systems or formats to clarify aspects of requests, which caused  service  to suffer and employees to spend most of their day troubleshooting. The workflow is now based on 100% automation to make it easier for you.
  • Multi-level approvals:  Requests had to go through different levels of employees before finally being approved. Through the Process Marker tool, they were able to improve this situation to communicate the request faster and have a response in less time.

Affinity Petcare

One of the challenges that took them the longest was to be clear about the pillars they wanted to highlight from their strategy, while managing to generate a connection with their employees so that they were the ones who, in the first instance, promoted the new digital culture.

In the first phase of their digital transformation process, they established strategies and as a team, defined objectives and developed action plans.

In addition, the transformational leadership of its CEO, Xavier Serra Torres, and its people director, Teresa Niubó, facilitated training for their team: they actively listened to their employees and other managers so that they could begin adapting to digital change and promote it.

The second phase that they defined focused on improving internal communication, the consumer experience, B2B channels and the incorporation of an innovative digital culture, which has made them a benchmark for the world.

Currently, this company is a multinational that operates in more than 70 countries dedicated to animal nutrition and, in addition, it is one of the largest leaders in digital transformation in its sector.