What lies beyond the electronic invoicing requirement

One of the opportunities that the electronic invoice brings to companies is to do business intelligence. Find out how you can capitalize on this and other opportunities.

Today’s invoicing will stop being an area with checkbooks, a printer and a scanner that generates reports in Excel so that the commercial areas can measure their compliance and for the portfolio to obtain more or less general indicators, and it will become the new protagonist of  the commercial and financial strategies.

what the law says

  • The electronic invoicing system in Colombia is defined by Decree 2242 of 2015.
  • Resolution 072 of December 29, 2017 imposed on the first taxpayers the obligation to start invoicing electronically in June 2018.
  • There is a draft decree ready to be signed at the DIAN that obliges large taxpayers to invoice electronically.
  • It is expected that  in 2019 all Colombian companies will invoice electronically.  Before the date on which it will be mandatory, companies can apply to the DIAN to voluntarily invoice electronically and be prepared before the mandatory nature.


The electronic invoice

Billing speaks of what matters most in any business:

  • Of each transaction with each client.
  • of purchase volumes.
  • of the repurchase
  • From the places where you receive the merchandise.
  • Of the changes.
  • Of the terms in which you pay.

In addition, an invoice is a security, it is money that is traded today, facilitating liquidity and generating financial opportunities.

Through the DIAN, the State has realized the value of this information: if the sale of products and the provision of services are known and crossed, a gigantic step will be taken in controlling tax evasion.

“If your company is truly interested in digital transformation, you must incorporate electronic invoicing into your vision of opportunities”

Luis Alfonso Villegas,
New Business Manager.

For this reason, the entity has a regulatory project so that in September 2018 seven thousand large billers in the country begin to issue electronic invoices. It is expected that in 2019 practically the entire country will have to make its invoices in this system.

Opportunity for companies

For the State, this information is central and for organizations it is a great opportunity, because a powerful electronic invoicing system and good business intelligence can be a tool for relationship decision-making, supply planning and even pricing. .

If it is a matter of complying with the obligations set forth in Decree 2242 of 2015, relatively simple solutions can be found, but if your company wants to capitalize on the possibilities of this system, you should look for an ally to accompany the implementation and have domain for decision-making. and the presentation to the authorities, but also, that understands your business, adjusts the solution to your needs and accompanies you in the implementation. Someone to help manage both the issuance of invoices and the receipt.

Electronic invoicing can be done by the company itself with a simple solution, contract the use of a platform or have a complete and powerful solution with permanent support, analytics and that allows you to grow your perspectives.

At Cadena we manage the transactional information of some of the organizations that handle the most volumes in the country, and we have been adopting solutions for the new needs of clients for 35 years.

For this reason, we have been accredited before the DIAN as technological providers of the electronic invoicing service. There are several accredited companies to meet the requirement, but as we understand that it is the most sensitive information, that reliable handling is required, and an operator that guarantees experience in the past and permanence in the future, we believe that Cadena meets the conditions to be the provider. technology of digital invoicing of your organization.

This is how we do it in Chain

We have developed a platform that meets all the conditions of the DIAN, and that adapts according to the needs of the companies.

  • Legal and tax technical advice.
  • Format mapping.
  • Creation of users with access to the platform.
  • Connection with the DIAN.
  • Synchronization with company platforms.

In each transaction Chain performs:

  • I received the information.
  • Processing and generation of the invoice in XML format.
  • Sending and traceability of an email to the client.
  • Digital signature and generation of the Single Electronic Invoice Code (CUFE).
  • Send tax document to the DIAN through Web Service.
  • Publication of the tax document and graphic representation on the web portal with access to the invoicer and client.
  • Receipt of invoices in accordance with the interoperability model.
  • Storage of invoice and attached documents.

And you, are you one of those who sees the electronic invoice only as a requirement? What do you think now? Leave us your comments.
