Technologies for the transformation of companies in 2020

To stand out in the market and be truly competitive, this year companies must take action in terms of technological transformation. These are some of the tools that allow this transformation and that will be protagonists during 2020.

The report on the adoption of digital transformation in companies, presented by the multilatina  Internexa , highlights the importance of  moving from theory to action in 2020  and to do so, according to its Marketing Director, Jairo Guzmán, is not only necessary to define the appropriate tools but also  to have a strategy, and know how to lead and manage cultural change in the organization.  Together, this will allow them in the medium and long term to facilitate and improve their processes, therefore, their productivity, efficiency, competitiveness and recognition in the market.

Both SMEs and large companies have the challenge of adopting new technologies to their strategies to be competitive in a market that does not stop.

In addition to artificial intelligence, augmented reality, big data or the Internet of Things (IoT), technologies such as 5G telecommunications networks, edge computing  and XAAS will stand out in business strategies. What are they about and how can they benefit companies? We tell you below.

5G networks, essential for the IoT

5G telecommunications networks are the technological foundation for the development and mass deployment of the Internet of Things.

Thanks to its speed (ten gigabits per second, up to a hundred times better than 4G networks) it allows users to reduce download times, improve connectivity, have lower latency and provide greater capacity so that many more devices are connected at the same time ( up to one hundred devices per unit area).

5G networks will bring great benefits for the use of technologies in areas such as electronic commerce, health, education, finance, the automotive industry, among others.

Edge computing time 

There are more and more devices connected to the network generating millions of data, from a smart watch, a thermostat, a lamp, a television, a refrigerator to an autonomous car. All the information they gather is sent to large data centers in the cloud to process it, it is what we know as  cloud computing , which, although it offers many advantages, also has its limitations, for example, it can be expensive, a bit slow and consume A lot of energy.

Faced with this, edge computing has begun to be implemented  , which generally consists  of the devices themselves analyzing the data they collect , in other words, it will no longer be necessary to send them to large data centers in the cloud.

Thus,  edge computing  works as a network of data microcenters that are processed where they are generated, that is, locally. What does this allow? One of its main advantages is to reduce energy consumption, consume less bandwidth and improve latency, that is, the delay between the propagation and transmission of data. In addition, this system provides more security and avoids information saturation in the cloud, a key point since  it is estimated that by 2021 there will be more than 30,000 million connected devices  in the world thanks to IoT.

XaaS, everything as a service

The XaaS system offers organizations a variety of solutions ranging from  software  to storage; includes any computer service that is provided through the Internet and allows the modernization of information technologies , benefiting, for example, the digitization of physical documents, as well as the different areas and processes of companies such as human resources, accounting, security and else.

What are the advantages of XaaS? In general, an adequate implementation of this integrated system of cloud services allows a greater response capacity to changes in the sector, more agility and flexibility, reduces improvement cycles and consolidates the technological transformation of companies much more.

Added to these three technologies, in 2020 robotic process automation (RPA), blockchain, data analytics and conversational artificial intelligence will continue to gain strength in business strategies.  To stand out, as indicated by Internexa, the key is to take action.
