
What today’s consumers expect with digital transformation

Today’s consumers need immediate and easy access to information. For their part, brands need to relate to their customers in a concrete, fast and efficient way.

The information that the new generations consume is different. Today, the media are generators of extensive and baseless content, which is why  the challenge proposes total innovation and calls on brands to be more creative and concrete when it comes to communicating.

Brands must innovate so that the information they want to transmit is different and important to the consumer.

Companies that are technologically transformed

Understanding what customers have at home and understanding that they are changing are very important aspects for companies that have entered the path of technological evolution. The conjunction of these two aspects allows us to make a plan that can be adapted and show them the possibilities they have, since the vast majority do not know what they have inside the house.

According to Bruno Neves,  a company that wants to innovate must understand the young people  who are entering the market and the new professionals who, without a doubt, come with a 100% digital chip. To achieve this, companies must adapt to the mentality of these new generations of  millennials  and  centennials,  through an internal innovation culture plan.

The approach to this challenge in organizations is basically what is called  digital transformation.  Regardless of the business or work, all brands must assume it, improving their information systems and delivering services with the mobility and security characteristics that this challenge brings with it in terms of organizational architecture, processes and training for employees.

Technology and marketing: a great mix in business today

Marketing communicates and has very relevant data about customers. However, by itself it would be useless:  it needs technology. This mix generates benefits such as better customer perception and the ability to evolve and grow that it demonstrates.

The mix of marketing and technology turns companies into allies for customers.

Marketing companies have invaluable wealth: the data they collect from customers. If used appropriately, this data can be used to  segment and create messages with special characteristics for different interest groups.

Content quality and speed: Priority for today’s consumers

What today’s customers value most is the reliability of the information and that it is truly useful and easily accessible.

To learn more about the practices that have managed to position themselves strongly in the market, innovating through educational content,  read this article about  Inbound marketing ,  the trend that has become a fundamental key to digital transformation.



Success in collaborative economy business

Collaborative business models are gaining more and more prominence. Find out how they work, what their advantages are and what they can bring to organizations.

The fourth industrial revolution brought with it trends such as sharing goods, services and information through digital platforms and it is in this context where  the collaborative economy allows the consolidation of new business models , which usually combine old ways of operating with technology.

The collaborative economy must have a legal framework, omitting the regulations can make the initiatives disappear.

Being able to choose a transportation service with a click, shopping for second-hand clothes or objects, and getting information before making a decision, demonstrate the importance of this  economic model capable of interconnecting the world and breaking down geographical barriers.

Advantages of the collaborative economy

Collaborative consumption eliminates the costs and time involved in making transactions through intermediaries. For example, finding an academic advisory or consultancy on a web page, or renting a room in another city directly with the owner, negates the step of looking for an organization that charges for offering this service.

In addition to saving money,  the collaborative economy is a benchmark for sustainability due to the positive impacts it generates on the environment:  sharing a vehicle, as proposed by carpooling applications  or buying second-hand objects reduces the generation of waste and the emission of polluting gases.

The collaborative economy is based on democratization and cultural exchange as it allows access to services and goods that are not found in the traditional market offer.

Rollin , for example, is an application created in Colombia to encourage the use of shared vehicles; this venture has achieved close to 30,000 downloads and has approximately 22,000 registered users. Try my ride  is another sustainable mobility system that works from a mobile application, in Medellín it has avoided the emission of 21,274 tons of CO 2  and its users have saved close to 114 billion pesos.

The key is in reciprocity

One of the axes of this collaborative model is the  collaborative finance of which  crowdfunding is a part,  which seeks the creation and support of social and cultural initiatives. Its success depends on the diffusion and visibility that it is given through social networks and websites.

Verkami  is a successful example of crowdfunding models  Since 2010, nearly 7,830 cultural projects have been financed through this platform, with a success rate of 73%. Vermaki, born in Barcelona, ​​has meant a revolution in cultural demand and supply with close to 39.5 million euros raised by more than a million people.

Vaki is a sample of the incorporation of these collaborative economy models in Colombia , it was created in 2015 to finance social and artistic projects, citizen movements and personal initiatives that contribute to social change, without the need for intermediaries and only with community support.

More knowledge for organizations

One of the potentials of the collaborative economy is its  ability to foster the exchange of knowledge.  At this point, according to Carlos Jaramillo, CEO of  Distilled Innovationcompanies that emerged in traditional economic models are called upon to link up with those ventures that are characterized by innovation , despite having fewer resources, since they occur in contexts of flexibility. and dynamism.

“The tendency is to learn to co-create. Large and small companies can work together, contributing their knowledge and skills to create new ecosystems”, says Jaramillo.

With the arrival of this new business model, today companies are obliged to  rethink their nature and transform themselves not only by acquiring new technologies, but also by opening up to new thoughts, perspectives and ways of doing things , in In other words, evolution must be constant, because in this way it is possible to be sustainable over time and compete with these emerging businesses.

If the organization considers it appropriate to adopt a collaborative economy model, it is key in this process to create awareness about the importance of protecting data, providing relevant information and being transparent.


Understand users from the test

Captivating a user is a challenge, so providing functions that solve their needs and that are also close to their tastes and affinities is not a plus but a must. Hence the importance of testing.

Users are transformed, the ecosystem is changing, the competition is relentless, and the technology giant has no limits. This is the scenario today for companies,  start ups  and ventures.

For this reason,  the technology teams of any organization in the world must have the capacity to respond to different areas : they have heterogeneous knowledge, they are increasingly specializing and they need to have collaborators who have information and experience in all kinds of skills.

For example, a company that wants to launch an  e-commerce  will have to consider a multidisciplinary team, in which there is at least one content expert, one or more experts in interface experience and user experience, who also support the exercise of test, additionally, you must have a developer, a digital designer, staff dedicated to the marketing strategies of the online store, an SEO expert and an analytics expert.

Although each step in the chain is important, there is an invaluable task in this exercise and that is testing.

What is testing?

Testing is nothing more than making  tests that allow users to interact intuitively , that is, they can express themselves and naturally take ownership of the functions without telling them if their answers are good or bad: everything is valid.

After the interaction, the different answers are analyzed and reviewed by the team of experts and evaluated with some  journeys  to find out if the users who participated in the test behaved as expected by the technology or functionality that was being tested. With this information, the teams make adjustments and then go productive.

Erika Santa Correa, user experience expert, shares here some ideas about the importance of carrying out a testing process prior to presenting a functionality in production:

    • In the customer-focused design process, it is vital to understand the user very well and make an empathetic observation of him; his place cannot be exactly assumed because one can fall into traps such as assuming behaviors that may be natural for companies, but for the user can be confusing. Testing is a moment of truth, it is the moment of the user or audience for whom a function is being developed.
    • Testing in the product development process is one of the moments that allows the user-centered design theory to materialize. Additionally,  the creation of the User/persona (a general descriptive personification of the user to whom the product is directed), the previous investigations, the field work with the user and the interviews that allow us to understand who will use the product are important . However, after having followed the previous steps with special care, the test is the moment of truth because that audience for whom the product has been designed will have the opportunity to interact, evaluate and test everything that has been designed. designed.

“With my knowledge working with teams to design website experiences, these moments have been crucial. For example, once we had a simple and revealing situation when we were designing a  premium catalog  of items, the design was aesthetically amazing, it had the biggest role in the display of the product. And although the test yielded positive results, there was one point that we did not expect:  e-commerce I didn’t have an explicit path to return to the previous menu. Our hypothesis based on previous experiences was that the user would use the basic browsing patterns of the browser, however, users were stuck in a part of the purchase process because they couldn’t find how to get out of the current point; a critical finding for conversion and purchase flows. This finding led us to make some design tweaks by explicitly incorporating the way to continue shopping.”

Testing is a great tool to present products that are more adjusted to the user’s expectations and allows organizations to prepare for the possible impacts that the products will generate on the client, the organization and the market.

From this case, the importance of applying testing to users is demonstrated, since functions that may seem obvious to the developer team are not really obvious to the user and with this tool you can check and know in detail what should be done  . adjust to meet audience expectation.  Undoubtedly, a fundamental tool for the marketing strategies of organizations.

There are different types of tests: functional, non-functional, structural, regression, among others. To find out which one is best for your strategy, the first thing you must be clear about is the objective and with this, choose the methodology that helps you solve it.


Technology and corporate communications

The different developments and technological innovations have not only generated changes in the ways of being, thinking and relating to others, but also in the way companies communicate with their audiences and persuade them.

What used to be resolved with a call to say “it takes me a while”, today is resolved with a short and quick message via WhatsApp or, it is no longer “I want to work in your company” but “I want you to be in my company ” thanks to the approximation that Linkedin has of a person’s professional profile.

These are just two specific cases of how technology impacts day-to-day communication, breaks down geographical barriers and  offers different possibilities in terms of personal and corporate communications, for networking, advertising and educational purposes, among many others.

Email, without a doubt, is one of the most powerful communication tools and this was demonstrated in the 2019 report presented by the Socialbakers digital knowledge platform, which shows that every sixty seconds 188 million messages are sent by email  . , a fact that will grow more and more, since it is not only the emails sent from one person to another but all those that companies send to be in contact with their audiences, which is what is known today as email marketing  or  permission  marketing , messages that add to this figure and demonstrate the importance of developing  mailing strategies .

Changes in the way information is stored

Just as email marketing is becoming more relevant  , there are other aspects that have also changed in organizations. One of these is the way of storing information, which went from being in large physical folders in an exclusive room to being in a clip or a tap in the cloud, regardless of place or time.

According to Sister María Castaño, an expert in digital transformation and Technology leader in Postobón,  today the greatest asset of companies is information, for this reason, “the way of issuing it, receiving it, consulting it, storing it, keeping it, securing it, has changed, share it and rule it ”.

Although sharing information is now much easier, if proper precautions and controls are not taken, this plus point can pose risks for companies. To avoid this,  it is essential to have the information centralized and to define clear procedures and protocols  that guarantee the proper use of the stored data.

Technology and collaborators

Beyond the changes in the ways of doing things, technology has also had an impact on the behavior of employees.

For Andrés Rozo, a psychologist who is an expert in organizational culture, although this favors business development and enables the sustainability of companies over time, the inclusion of robots and the automation of different processes “creates a scenario that can generate anxiety and threat to employees.” professionals or that represents ambitious challenges for them, since no profession is spared from this reinvention:  it is a change that compromises openness, the responsibility of constantly being informed and opening up to new functions, some more strategic that each time add more value to the  core  of every business ”.

Faced with the changes that technology brings, companies are called upon to incorporate new and best practices that allow them to guarantee both the security of the information they store and the good relations between their collaborators.

On the other hand, Rozo points out that technology also generates variations in empathy between work teams, for example, the fact of looking less into each other’s eyes, having more contact with the cell phone than with people, creates distances and so that this does not become a problem,  companies must permeate among their collaborators a culture of assertive, direct, clear communication and work to strengthen relationships.

It is important to take into account the different generations that are part of organizations today, because in the case of millennials, they see technology as an ally and the centennials, who come after them, cannot imagine life without technology, therefore, it is key that, in addition to promoting the search for trends, co-creation and standardization of knowledge among its employees, fostering spaces for socialization and connection with what is fundamental.


So are digital franchises

This modality is gaining more strength in the world every day, as it represents a growth opportunity for those companies that need local representation and also for entrepreneurs who want to enter the digital ecosystem with the support of a recognized brand.

The Internet has changed the way we perceive the world, move around and consume, so much so that the business models known as franchises have effectively gone virtual and in recent years have become popular, offering the possibility of investing  more safe,  with lower costs and good growth opportunities.

Digital franchises are brand licensing that works the same as a physical franchise but on the Internet; in these the franchisee buys the rights to certain geographic areas and obtains profits from mobile and web e-commerce within its marked territory. You also  have the rights to leverage the brand and have the  back-end systems , as well as training and customer support from the parent or franchisor company.

The possibilities of investing in digital franchises are wide. Currently in the market, there are digital franchises whose initial investments vary from 1,800 to 22,000 dollars.

This type of entrepreneurship  has become one of the most profitable investment businesses in the last year, especially in Europe,  although in Colombia it is a relatively new concept. If you are thinking of entering the world of digital franchises, it is essential to know a little more about them to ensure that the brand fits your profile, expectations and needs.

What are the advantages of a digital franchise?

Different types of industries can benefit from taking the approach of a digital franchise. This model is ideal for:

  • International representation allows accelerating the growth of the franchise, improving the competitiveness and positioning of the brand.
  • The training provided by the franchise allows continuous learning, as well as the certification of the quality of the work delivered under the name of a brand with recognition and presence in other parts of the world.
  • By not requiring a physical establishment for its operation, investment costs are usually lower than with other types of franchises.
  • Possibility of undertaking without having to start from scratch.
  • It is a good option for companies looking to expand their market and reduce financial risks.

When is a digital franchise recommended?

Different types of industries can benefit from taking the approach of a digital franchise. This model is ideal for:

    1. Businesses trying to connect with local consumers like restaurants, mechanics, dry cleaners, and  spasbusinesses where the people who work don’t have the time or knowledge to focus on connecting with their consumers online  or maintaining a digital presence with up-to-date content.
    2. Secondary and tertiary markets that lack a digital connection with their consumers.  This happens in intermediate or small cities that are not usually a main focus for large national competitors and that hire remote sales teams in remote offices.
    3. Entrepreneurs who understand their local market, where content management and oversight is crucial to user acquisition and retention . A local franchisee has a vested interest in the accuracy and completeness of web and mobile content to deliver relevant and up-to-date information to end users.

How do they communicate with their audiences?

The relationship strategies of each franchise vary according to their nature and location. It is essential that the franchisee knows the local and hyperlocal market to identify potential customers who are within their target audiences,  in this way they can reach them with the appropriate language and techniques of the franchisor business.

Successful digital franchises

WSI, Canada

It is a  digital services franchise and is the world’s largest Internet consulting firm.  It offers thousands of solutions for small and medium-sized businesses and through the use of the patent-pending Lifecycle™ system for Internet Marketing, its franchisees can assess the business needs of their clients in order to deliver marketing strategies focused on generating income. 

Entrepreneurs can acquire the license of this brand and start providing digital marketing services to companies and professionals around the world. The company is in charge of giving them the training and the material for the development of the tasks.

Ciudadentumano, Spain

It is a network of low-cost franchises that allows you to have your own app, website and social networks positioned to deliver information and value offers on each city for which it is created. It has a presence in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama, which makes it one of the most successful today.

It has many opportunities for continuous growth since it is focused on specific developments according to geographic location, there can be as many franchises as there are cities in the world.


Technologies for the transformation of companies in 2020

To stand out in the market and be truly competitive, this year companies must take action in terms of technological transformation. These are some of the tools that allow this transformation and that will be protagonists during 2020.

The report on the adoption of digital transformation in companies, presented by the multilatina  Internexa , highlights the importance of  moving from theory to action in 2020  and to do so, according to its Marketing Director, Jairo Guzmán, is not only necessary to define the appropriate tools but also  to have a strategy, and know how to lead and manage cultural change in the organization.  Together, this will allow them in the medium and long term to facilitate and improve their processes, therefore, their productivity, efficiency, competitiveness and recognition in the market.

Both SMEs and large companies have the challenge of adopting new technologies to their strategies to be competitive in a market that does not stop.

In addition to artificial intelligence, augmented reality, big data or the Internet of Things (IoT), technologies such as 5G telecommunications networks, edge computing  and XAAS will stand out in business strategies. What are they about and how can they benefit companies? We tell you below.

5G networks, essential for the IoT

5G telecommunications networks are the technological foundation for the development and mass deployment of the Internet of Things.

Thanks to its speed (ten gigabits per second, up to a hundred times better than 4G networks) it allows users to reduce download times, improve connectivity, have lower latency and provide greater capacity so that many more devices are connected at the same time ( up to one hundred devices per unit area).

5G networks will bring great benefits for the use of technologies in areas such as electronic commerce, health, education, finance, the automotive industry, among others.

Edge computing time 

There are more and more devices connected to the network generating millions of data, from a smart watch, a thermostat, a lamp, a television, a refrigerator to an autonomous car. All the information they gather is sent to large data centers in the cloud to process it, it is what we know as  cloud computing , which, although it offers many advantages, also has its limitations, for example, it can be expensive, a bit slow and consume A lot of energy.

Faced with this, edge computing has begun to be implemented  , which generally consists  of the devices themselves analyzing the data they collect , in other words, it will no longer be necessary to send them to large data centers in the cloud.

Thus,  edge computing  works as a network of data microcenters that are processed where they are generated, that is, locally. What does this allow? One of its main advantages is to reduce energy consumption, consume less bandwidth and improve latency, that is, the delay between the propagation and transmission of data. In addition, this system provides more security and avoids information saturation in the cloud, a key point since  it is estimated that by 2021 there will be more than 30,000 million connected devices  in the world thanks to IoT.

XaaS, everything as a service

The XaaS system offers organizations a variety of solutions ranging from  software  to storage; includes any computer service that is provided through the Internet and allows the modernization of information technologies , benefiting, for example, the digitization of physical documents, as well as the different areas and processes of companies such as human resources, accounting, security and else.

What are the advantages of XaaS? In general, an adequate implementation of this integrated system of cloud services allows a greater response capacity to changes in the sector, more agility and flexibility, reduces improvement cycles and consolidates the technological transformation of companies much more.

Added to these three technologies, in 2020 robotic process automation (RPA), blockchain, data analytics and conversational artificial intelligence will continue to gain strength in business strategies.  To stand out, as indicated by Internexa, the key is to take action.


Nequi, financial experience at a tap

A blank post-it  , a brainstorm and the desire for a bank to respond to the needs of young people, that’s how Nequi began, the 100% digital startup  of Grupo Bancolombia that today is a reality. This is his story of him.

In Colombia, banking access is around 28 million users, this represents 81.4%, a figure that does not stop growing. However, when deepening the context, it is evident that the product portfolio and the frequency of use of these is light, in other words, the majority of banked people in Colombia are banked because they need to receive their payroll or salary, and this is limits this financial relationship.

Knowing this scenario, a Bancolombia team made up of people from the organization (60%) and allies (40%), including professionals from different sectors, developed an idea that began as an innovative project that sought to respond to the needs of a generation. . that preferred to go to the dentist rather than to a financial institution.

conquer a user

To win over a user, the first thing is not to start with the obvious. The team knew that if the tool started with a credit system, it would not be attractive enough to its target audience. For this reason, for three years they “lived” in a university to get to know and understand the audience, listen to their potential users and interact with them to present them with a tool that did fit their needs.

One of the things they identified is that young people are afraid of being tied to a bank and the fact of having to cancel a product puts a barrier on them. One of the challenges was to win “the most valuable square centimeter: the space of a millennial’s cell phone.”

What did you do? They were shown a way to organize themselves financially, replicating a simple and common exercise that people do when they have cash: separate it into envelopes for different items, such as fixed expenses, outings, vacations, etc.

Nequi: always in beta version

The Nequi team ensures that  it is permanently in beta version  because since the day it came out, in November 2016, they make constant changes and iterations to improve the user experience.

Andrés Vásquez, CEO of the  startup , acknowledges that naming it as an application in beta version is  declaring that they can make changes, modify practices, quickly correct errors, listen to the user and co-create with them.

A good example of this premise was the launch of loans. It all started with a  button  that said “credits” on the application screen and when clicked it displayed the question What are you hoping to find here? Users were encouraged to answer what their expectations were with this function and the result was more than 4,000 people interacting; This is how this function was developed, tailored to users.

Currently, more than 6,000 people have used this service that provides between 100,000 and 500,000 pesos and gives users a period of 30 days.

Lesson: alliances do pay

For the brand, created by Grupo Bancolombia, alliances are necessary. An example is the  connection it made with PayPal  at the end of 2018, which, in addition to attracting new users and representing eight million dollars in the first five months,  generated a very positive scenario in terms of its reputation and positioning.  This alliance allows Paypal users to use, save and organize their money in Colombia through Nequi and do it 100% digitally.

According to Vásquez, currently more than 23,000 people receive money through Paypal and this alliance makes life easier for freelancers such as journalists, designers and web developers who work for companies in other countries and have to pay very high commissions to banks. to get your money. Today, in less than a minute, without lines, with lower commissions and with greater security, they can make these transactions.

This is the Nequi team

Currently, the team is made up of 85 people, between internal and external with different disciplines. His commandment is: focus on the user; having it at the center allows them to develop functions they need and makes their lives easier.  This group is not afraid of making mistakes and making corrections quickly, they are challenged by the possibility of launching functions that add value and reach more and more users every day.

Nequi has it and no one else

In the Colombian market,  Nequi has the first biometrics solution incorporated into the process , which allows quick authentication to know the customer and to facilitate processes. Reading the fingerprint, having facial and voice recognition are solutions that guarantee the safety of the users and, in turn, make their interaction with the application more friendly and agile.

more is more

With only three years in the market and with 75,000 new users each month,  Nequi is the first neobank in Colombia and one of the most important in Latin America . In April 2019, it won the Celent Model Bank award in the Best Digital Bank category. This award has been granted for more than a decade by Celent, a New York firm that belongs to the Marsh & McLennan consortium and is dedicated to research, advice and consulting on issues related to technology and financial services. Nequi competed with 140 initiatives from around the world and was the winner for differentiating itself in the digital experience it offers its users.


Technology and Marketing in business today

When technology is at the service of marketing, businesses benefit from better consumer knowledge and the capture of their data to manage, analyze and use it to respond to their needs with timely information.

Industries today are challenged to  move from data capture to:

  • Manage what they know about their customers and potential consumers.
  • Classify the information.
  • See the qualities of the records and transform them.
  • Go from figures to interpretation.
  • Segment your audiences.
  • Create differentiated value propositions and communicate them effectively.
  • Implement more targeted plans that create experiences, motivate and facilitate their actions.

For this reason, according to Eva Patricia Fernández, producer at Creta Producciones and trainer in big data and digital strategy, beyond knowing how many people see, follow or like a brand, it is valuable to know how the people  who are behind these actions, who is in their immediate circle, what is their lifestyle, how they behave in other scenarios, what they believe in, what they talk about, what they need, among other factors that will lead to a new relationship in  which consumers are no longer as loyal, but they do recommend the products and services they like to other people.

This way you can transcend to new interactions with your audiences


Have a business goal.  The world says “no” to marketing strategies atomized in technologies and to channels without clarity in the indicators that must be impacted; on the contrary, it says “yes” to  well-defined challenges and executed in an omnichannel manner.  This can be done for one or several customer groups based on segmentation criteria and other business rules.


Define data sources. They may be:

  • Filling out physical and digital forms.
  • Visual registration through sensors, labels, cameras.
  • Behavior maps.
  • Social media analytics.
  • Geolocation such as IP records, access data and information consumption.
  • Maps of value relationships (friends, followers, groups).
  • Wareables that capture data through clothing, glasses, watches, tattoos or bracelets.
  • Cookies to know, for example, screen times, reading habits.
  • Records of consumption of applications and networks, among others.

The best example of the staging of technology for data capture and the memorable experience is the  Amazon Go store in New York, where the user, simply by scanning his mobile at the entrance, purchases the products without going to the store. checkout, or interact with a human being. Your purchases are recorded and charged through cameras, sensors and artificial intelligence.


Manage the data. You can extract, load, merge, transform, save, retrieve, traverse, and most importantly  use them to target actual and potential audiences.  This was done, for example, by the Spanish soccer team Getafe which, given the low attendance of spectators at its stadium, created the Getafinder application to find a partner. The app allowed it to capture a large database, increase attendance at matches by 32% and renew 92% of its subscribers to 11,500 people. Individualized communications, chip cards, 3D visualization of the view of the game from stadium chairs  and mobile season ticket sales also had an impact on the results.


Store.  Identify where to take the information so that it is secure and accessible. For this, there are  data warehouses , data lakes and other tools with different capacities, processing, support, agility and assurance. The key here is being able to access the information in a comprehensive and timely manner to enable the strategy in real time.


Data strategy, the next step.  It consists of activating the data in a business sense. For this reason, companies such as BBVA and Telefónica created the  position Chef Data Officer to support the strategic, operational and tactical decisions of senior management.  It is not just defining a plan, it is also having the necessary tools and architecture to execute it.


Develop content, stories, and media for each segment, or even for each individual.  For Heineken, a communication must be created with a central message that is delivered in different ways to various audiences. It suggests the formula 80% – 20%, in which  the highest percentage is the common message and the rest is dynamic content according to the preferences of each segment or person. It recently did so with a precision marketing  strategy  , in which travelers to Amsterdam were identified and offered a beer that was made 30 days prior to their arrival, information was sent to them on the artisan process of the drink and, upon arrival, a guide map of the city built according to the preferences obtained from your data and social networks.


Implement technologies at the service of marketing and e-commerce.  Sell ​​more and better by taking advantage of that value relationship that is created with the public. Totto, considered one of the best virtual retailers in Colombia, created a digital sales strategy that involved renewing its web platform so that it had greater capacity, design, usability, and  checkout .

“The digital revolution today ranges from social networks, mobile devices, analytics and the  cloud , to DARQ technologies —for its acronym in English— that integrate four new trends: distributed ledgers, artificial intelligence, augmented reality and quantum computing” , emphasizes Eva Fernández.

As these tools reach the necessary maturity and convergence,  companies will need to expand their capabilities to create intelligent, highly personalized experiences  that help shape the lives of their customers, business partners, and employees.

Three technologies that you can implement in your business


Automated Marketing:  Software  that integrates databases, email strategies, and measurement and  personalization tools with greater agility and increased ROI.


Precision marketing:  capture information from contacts based on their  online behavior , to segment and impact them with content and personalized campaigns automatically.


Artificial intelligence:  tools that adapt in real time to the behavior of users with data interpretation, process improvement, personalized attention and data management.

In Chain we transcend

We accompany organizations so that their technological transformation and their marketing processes impact the interaction with their audiences and thus reach more and better clients.

How do we do it?

  • We enable marketing strategies with solutions that provide a superior experience with a good cost-effectiveness in communication and strengthening relationships.
  • We develop services that, based on customer knowledge and the intensive use of data, allow you to communicate effectively and achieve the results set for your company.
  • We improve the effectiveness rates in communications to retain, recover and increase customer purchases.
  • We have technological and operational capabilities to perform data analytics, enable corporate strategies and turn them into effective communication actions.
  • We understand consumer actions through individualization and  customer journeys to measure and execute impact actions.

Main achievements

  • Eight million Colombians contacted month by month in omnical strategies.
  • The ability to design and execute campaigns and communications with more than 256 variations or segmentations that individually impact our clients’ clients.


Manuel del Corral Restrepo
Market Business Development Manager



Change corporate culture to transform

In order for businesses to experience a true technological transformation, in addition to investing in the appropriate technologies, it is essential to bet on a cultural change. Víctor Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez, High Councilor for Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Presidency of the Republic, speaks in this interview about the role of technology and corporate culture in companies today.

Beyond implementing changes in processes and technological tools, in order to stand out in today’s market, which is continually changing, it is  essential that companies experience a cultural change within,  this is what allows them to be open to new challenges and learning to innovate and add value in a different way.

For this reason, as many experts in the world affirm,  culture must be the axis of technological transformation,  this is confirmed by Muñoz Rodríguez in the following interview.

What are the capacities that companies must develop for their technological transformation?

“It is always good to have experts in technology and processes, and not be permanently in trial and error schemes”,

Victor Manuel Munoz Rodriguez.

Business technological transformation processes have three components: culture, processes and technology. This is not a fashionable topic and it is designed to improve productivity and services, and evolve towards new or better business models. The biggest challenge is cultural change and having the right talent.  Therefore, there must be a purpose from senior management to simplify processes, digitize and achieve better results. Likewise, promote the formation of certain competencies, developing training environments and making use of existing offers; and exchange knowledge with international actors to adapt to the challenges of the future in global scenarios.

What are the benefits that can be obtained?

Productivity, efficiency, speed,  delivery , personalization and, most importantly,  user experience to know and respond in real time to their needs and expectations.  Likewise, technologies can propose a change in infrastructure and processes, becoming a fundamental element to rethink business from its base, with new goals and strategic objectives.

Why should companies understand that it is not enough to acquire state-of-the-art technology to transform if they do not know how to apply it?

Technology has always been a means, not an end. If we apply technology to obsolete processes or digitize a process, but it remains unchanged, we have simply made it digital, but it will still be inefficient. Before investing in technology it is necessary to have an initial assessment, define the goals of the transformation process and know the impacts that are to be achieved.  Entities should specialize in developing metrics that allow them to measure and assess whether they are getting the expected results or what changes they should make.

What are the barriers that companies in Colombia face when they decide to move towards a technological transformation?

The lack of talent within the businesses, lack of information on trends or specialized uses by sector, ignoring the functionalities provided by emerging technologies, cultural resistance, lack of development of a digital infrastructure and implementation costs that are not yet justified, largely due to ignorance. Added to this is what we have characterized as a lack of enabling conditions: access to data —especially structured—, public infrastructure that supports business activity, and connectivity. We hope to overcome the enabling conditions promptly and effectively with various measures and regulatory changes.

Why is it key for companies to seek strategic and specialized allies in this process?

The allies bring new concepts, they are usually  startups  with agile methodologies, they handle prototyping concepts and they are great partners in cultural change. These experts know successful models, serving as learning to avoid unnecessary expenses.  Colombia has the opportunity to use the knowledge generated by companies and countries that lead the technology industry.

What are the goals that the Colombian industry has set itself to advance in technological transformation?

In the short term, increased productivity, digitization of procedures and end of physical processes, cloud services, 7×24 virtual assistants in chatbot mode, having and creating public data infrastructure, providing knowledge and identifying which barriers must be resolved by the state or by companies. In the long term, process automation; use of artificial intelligence for optimization of services and implementation of these systems for decision making; disruptive models based on technologies of the fourth industrial revolution; interoperability at all levels; robust cybersecurity plans; interconnected physical infrastructure; and robotization of the economy.



This is the fourth industrial revolution

The incorporation and use of technologies such as augmented reality,  cloud computingbig data  and analytics, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, among others, are transforming business models in industry 4.0 and in order to stand out, it is key be open to change, learning and co-creation.

The so-called fourth industrial revolution, or industry 4.0, is here to stay: for some years now it has been transforming the way in which we relate to technology and is increasingly  impacting the way of doing business.

In general, industry 4.0 is characterized by offering intelligent solutions, integrating the digital with the physical and the biological, helping to make more efficient and correct decisions based on data analysis, optimizing processes, increasing productivity and renewing capacities. of the labor force.

The latter is essential, since in the face of the automation of different types of work,  it is necessary to strengthen the digital skills and abilities of employees,  help them make this transition so that they can really add value to organizational processes.

The center of any transformation must always be human capital, robots must work alongside humans.

Additionally, this technological revolution implies, on the part of businesses, being open to collaborative work, co-creation between machines and humans, agile, direct and transparent communication and a rapid learning capacity.

Regardless of whether it is a multinational or a medium or small company, in this era it is necessary to transform to not only be global in the digital world, but also to be protagonists with solutions and services that respond to the needs of today’s market. Those who bet and invest in the technological transformation of their businesses, which in turn requires a change in corporate culture, are the ones who will be able to compete.

Industrial revolutions that changed the world

  • 1765:  production is mechanized thanks to the use of water and steam. The steam engine becomes the driving force of means of transport such as the railway.
  • 1870:  thanks to electricity and oil, a model of mass production, organized and efficient, was generated.
  • 1969:  appearance of computers, microprocessors, controllers and robots that automate work.

Main technologies of the fourth industrial revolution

As Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, assures, in addition to our lives, technology is changing the economic, social and cultural context and this industry 4.0 differs from the other three industrial revolutions for three key aspects: speed, everything happens at  a much faster pace, does not stop; breadth and depth, great changes occur simultaneously; and total transformation of entire systems.

“The fourth industrial revolution does not change what we do but what we are.”

Klaus Schwab,
founder of the World Economic Forum.

Y aunque reconoce que la innovación tecnológica siempre acaba con algunos puestos de trabajo, esta también mejora la productividad, incrementa la riqueza y genera una mayor demanda de bienes y servicios, por eso, crea nuevos empleos para cubrir dicha demanda y estos están principalmente relacionados con trabajos creativos y cognitivos. Así, una vez más, se demuestra la importancia de que el recurso humano se adapte continuamente y esté dispuesto a adquirir nuevos conocimientos y habilidades.

Entre las tecnologías que están generando más impacto en los negocios y en las nuevas formas de crear valor, se destacan:


Cloud computing: almacenamiento de datos de valor de todo tipo en la red, entre sus ventajas sobresale+ la reducción de costos de inversión en infraestructura y el acceso a la información desde cualquier lugar.


Big data: esta tecnología facilita la captura en el mundo físico de grandes cantidades de datos para analizarlos digitalmente y a partir de estos reaccionar en tiempo real frente a los cambios y orientar las acciones, además, permite predecir posibles cambios futuros y ayudar a la optimización de procesos.


Inteligencia artificial: en la industria 4.0 los robots son protagonistas, no solo tienen la capacidad de realizar tareas repetitivas de producción para acelerar procesos y ser más eficientes, sino también que pueden aprender y mejorar automáticamente a partir de las experiencias vividas (machine learning).

El uso de tecnologías de la industria 4.0 debe permitir la creación de productos diferenciados, mejores procesos y reducción de riesgos, la exploración de nuevos mercados y la atracción y retención del talento joven.

Internet of things:  there are more and more devices connected to the network, in fact, according to the consulting firm Gartner, it is estimated that by 2020 there will be 20,000 million objects connected to the Internet through sensors, this brings benefits such as greater optimization of processes productive and better results in less time. In addition, it is a technology that allows knowing the needs of customers in order to develop personalized products and therefore improve the relationship with them.


Blockchain:  through a computer network, a transaction is verified, collectively, before it is registered and approved. It resembles a shared, programmable, cryptographically secure ledger, with no single individual controlling it.

Other technologies present in the fourth industrial revolution and which are on the rise are virtual reality and augmented reality, 3D printing or additive manufacturing, nanotechnology, autonomous vehicles and precision measurement.

All of these offer advantages to new business models, however, in order to take advantage of them correctly, in addition to investing in these technologies, a true strategic vision, management commitment, openness to change, an innovative culture and the ability to continuously reinvent oneself are required. as well as to establish alliances and work under collaborative models. The success of industries 4.0 depends to a large extent on this.