Blockchain for what?

Beyond cryptocurrencies, data encryption is the source of successful business models in the world and could revolutionize security in social networks.

Cadena works on blockchain development through its applied innovation laboratory Cadena Labs and in alliance with the Spanish company Kolokium.

For secure and reliable transactions and contracts: through data encryption and execution of contracts and automatic transactions without human interaction on a platform. Avoid fraud, censorship or interference from third parties and allows you to create markets, store debt records and move funds. An example: www.ethereum.org


To follow traces in logistics and advertising: it allows monitoring delivery, supervising the supply chain, redesigning workflows with better indicators of transparency and reducing fraud and execution times without intermediaries. An example: http://kolokium.es


For accounting books: with the exchange of information through open source and value between machines, under the so-called Internet of Things, with tax-free transactions. An example: www.iota.org


To manage medical data: Allows you to encrypt patient information and exchange medical procedures across devices securely. An example: MediChain Medical Big Data Platform, https://medichain.online/es


Collect funds in cryptocurrencies: for payments and donations, it allows you to collect funds, encrypt them and transfer them without costs associated with international transfers and taxes. Two examples: www.bitgivefoundation.org and www.buda.com

Could blockchain revolutionize social networks? Read this Cointelegraph article

