The incorporation and use of technologies such as augmented reality, cloud computing , big data and analytics, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, among others, are transforming business models in industry 4.0 and in order to stand out, it is key be open to change, learning and co-creation.
The so-called fourth industrial revolution, or industry 4.0, is here to stay: for some years now it has been transforming the way in which we relate to technology and is increasingly impacting the way of doing business.
In general, industry 4.0 is characterized by offering intelligent solutions, integrating the digital with the physical and the biological, helping to make more efficient and correct decisions based on data analysis, optimizing processes, increasing productivity and renewing capacities. of the labor force.
The latter is essential, since in the face of the automation of different types of work, it is necessary to strengthen the digital skills and abilities of employees, help them make this transition so that they can really add value to organizational processes.
Additionally, this technological revolution implies, on the part of businesses, being open to collaborative work, co-creation between machines and humans, agile, direct and transparent communication and a rapid learning capacity.
Regardless of whether it is a multinational or a medium or small company, in this era it is necessary to transform to not only be global in the digital world, but also to be protagonists with solutions and services that respond to the needs of today’s market. Those who bet and invest in the technological transformation of their businesses, which in turn requires a change in corporate culture, are the ones who will be able to compete.
Industrial revolutions that changed the world
- 1765: production is mechanized thanks to the use of water and steam. The steam engine becomes the driving force of means of transport such as the railway.
- 1870: thanks to electricity and oil, a model of mass production, organized and efficient, was generated.
- 1969: appearance of computers, microprocessors, controllers and robots that automate work.
Main technologies of the fourth industrial revolution
As Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, assures, in addition to our lives, technology is changing the economic, social and cultural context and this industry 4.0 differs from the other three industrial revolutions for three key aspects: speed, everything happens at a much faster pace, does not stop; breadth and depth, great changes occur simultaneously; and total transformation of entire systems.
“The fourth industrial revolution does not change what we do but what we are.”
Y aunque reconoce que la innovación tecnológica siempre acaba con algunos puestos de trabajo, esta también mejora la productividad, incrementa la riqueza y genera una mayor demanda de bienes y servicios, por eso, crea nuevos empleos para cubrir dicha demanda y estos están principalmente relacionados con trabajos creativos y cognitivos. Así, una vez más, se demuestra la importancia de que el recurso humano se adapte continuamente y esté dispuesto a adquirir nuevos conocimientos y habilidades.
Entre las tecnologías que están generando más impacto en los negocios y en las nuevas formas de crear valor, se destacan:
Cloud computing: almacenamiento de datos de valor de todo tipo en la red, entre sus ventajas sobresale+ la reducción de costos de inversión en infraestructura y el acceso a la información desde cualquier lugar.
Big data: esta tecnología facilita la captura en el mundo físico de grandes cantidades de datos para analizarlos digitalmente y a partir de estos reaccionar en tiempo real frente a los cambios y orientar las acciones, además, permite predecir posibles cambios futuros y ayudar a la optimización de procesos.
Inteligencia artificial: en la industria 4.0 los robots son protagonistas, no solo tienen la capacidad de realizar tareas repetitivas de producción para acelerar procesos y ser más eficientes, sino también que pueden aprender y mejorar automáticamente a partir de las experiencias vividas (machine learning).
Internet of things: there are more and more devices connected to the network, in fact, according to the consulting firm Gartner, it is estimated that by 2020 there will be 20,000 million objects connected to the Internet through sensors, this brings benefits such as greater optimization of processes productive and better results in less time. In addition, it is a technology that allows knowing the needs of customers in order to develop personalized products and therefore improve the relationship with them.
Blockchain: through a computer network, a transaction is verified, collectively, before it is registered and approved. It resembles a shared, programmable, cryptographically secure ledger, with no single individual controlling it.
Other technologies present in the fourth industrial revolution and which are on the rise are virtual reality and augmented reality, 3D printing or additive manufacturing, nanotechnology, autonomous vehicles and precision measurement.
All of these offer advantages to new business models, however, in order to take advantage of them correctly, in addition to investing in these technologies, a true strategic vision, management commitment, openness to change, an innovative culture and the ability to continuously reinvent oneself are required. as well as to establish alliances and work under collaborative models. The success of industries 4.0 depends to a large extent on this.