Global cases of technological transformation

Adaptation during companies’ technological transformation processes pose a challenge, both in their internal structure and in their technological architecture, because they must train talent, transform culture and lead digital innovation.

In a survey carried out  by KPMG among company executives from Australia, Canada, China, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom , among which Outlook stands out, it was revealed that the implementation of digital transformation processes has made it possible to strengthen the capacity response to disruptive events, such as the high flow of communication or the maintenance of activity.

Even during the pandemic, 80% of the companies in the world advanced their technological transformation, taking into account that it  is not just adapting to technology, since the change comes from within the organization,  that is, from the collaborators. For this reason, we share these success stories of companies that have improved their performance and income.

Best Buy

It took the company around seven years to finish its digital transformation process. His biggest challenges were moving from snail mail to digital marketing, delivering a value-added proposition across a range of products beyond CDs and TVs, and positioning himself within retail companies. As a result of its transformation processes, the company’s shares increased in value from USD 23.70 in 2012 to USD $74. How they did it?

  1. Staff:  they trained their staff to advise consumers taking advantage of digital devices and thus improve delivery times. In addition, they used technology to achieve more assertive and strategic communication between the teams. This achieved better results in the processes and reduced times.
  2. New focus for employees:  In order to improve delivery times, the company created a price match program and changed the approach to consulting its employees. It wasn’t just selling to customers, but they were trained to offer in-home consultation on how to best use mobile devices.
  3. Business reconfiguration:  initiatives focused on motivating the workforce were created, for example, discounts, training, and they encouraged their employees to rethink the way they used their assets and related to their suppliers.
  4. Personalization:  within their  marketing plan  , they used data analytics to learn more about the tastes, preferences, and behaviors of their customers to give them a multi-channel experience that allows them to find the same benefits for consumers both in an online and physical  store  .

“Eight in 10 surveyed executives in North America say their recent change efforts have involved multiple functions, business units, or the entire company. And 68% of them stated that the main objective is to digitize the organization’s operating model”. McKinsey Global Survey study.


NewTel PCS

Esta es una de las principales empresas de telecomunicaciones en Bolivia, Haití y República Dominicana. Su principal reto fue optimizar sus operaciones comerciales e incluir acciones para evitar generar fricción en los equipos de la organización. Actualmente, tienen más de un millón de clientes gracias a su proceso de transformación digital que lograron gracias a:

  • Correo electrónico y teléfonos: los colaboradores tenían que llamar varias veces a los clientes para comprobar el estado de su solicitud, entonces mejoraron el rendimiento de los empleados y redujeron tiempos en solicitudes.
  • Standardizations:  There were no systems or formats to clarify aspects of requests, which caused  service  to suffer and employees to spend most of their day troubleshooting. The workflow is now based on 100% automation to make it easier for you.
  • Multi-level approvals:  Requests had to go through different levels of employees before finally being approved. Through the Process Marker tool, they were able to improve this situation to communicate the request faster and have a response in less time.

Affinity Petcare

One of the challenges that took them the longest was to be clear about the pillars they wanted to highlight from their strategy, while managing to generate a connection with their employees so that they were the ones who, in the first instance, promoted the new digital culture.

In the first phase of their digital transformation process, they established strategies and as a team, defined objectives and developed action plans.

In addition, the transformational leadership of its CEO, Xavier Serra Torres, and its people director, Teresa Niubó, facilitated training for their team: they actively listened to their employees and other managers so that they could begin adapting to digital change and promote it.

The second phase that they defined focused on improving internal communication, the consumer experience, B2B channels and the incorporation of an innovative digital culture, which has made them a benchmark for the world.

Currently, this company is a multinational that operates in more than 70 countries dedicated to animal nutrition and, in addition, it is one of the largest leaders in digital transformation in its sector.
