Brands that add up in uncertain times

Imagination, reaction capacity, solid values, innovation to minimize impacts, commercial vision and long-term projection, are the qualities of the brands that have created powerful initiatives to face the COVID19 crisis. How did they do it? What are your successes?

In a week life in the country changed as part of the staggered transformations in the world by COVID19. However, in that same time, much less, disruptive initiatives have been created to overcome job uncertainty in the present and in the future.

The paths have been to give value to generosity, reaffirm purposes, act as a result of new needs, not disguise commercial actions, communicate on time, unite ideas and think more than about clients, about human beings.

These are some brands and actions that add up. His great lesson from him is, without a doubt, not to stop before the crisis, not even to think; and implement ideas that on the fly will tell if they were worth it or not.

Giving value to solidarity, Sunrise


His  slogan is:  Solidarity is more contagious than a virus .

That’s how it works:  is a platform that unites companies and consumers for the purchase and advance sale of products in order to help SMEs to survive during the crisis. Entrepreneurs set a sales goal and can access advertising files to promote themselves. Consumers shop through a checkout gallery and receive bonuses that they can redeem after quarantine. In 15 days, Sunrise provided 353 businesses with the pre-sale of products for more than 182 million pesos to 2,578 supportive consumers.”Our great achievement has been to restore hope to small businesses who only saw bankruptcy in the future and now have to pay their payroll and obligations and believe in starting over and reinventing themselves,” says Daniel Harry, one of the five creators of this initiative that he was born in a beer among friends, and that in one day he already had 300 registered businesses, and in a day and a half, he launched his website and received 50 transfers for 3 million pesos in pre-purchases. They started with Google forms, Excel files and consumer code. Today, six companies support them with legal consulting, design and video  marketing , business data verification, payment gateway, incubation advice and technical support.”This virus does not end in quarantine, so this project will continue to strengthen with a clear value proposition, believing in advance sales as a business model for small merchants such as bakeries, bookstores, cafes, restaurants, and others,” adds Daniel Harry . .


Act as a consequence of new needs, Store nearby Postobón


His  slogan is:  Stay at home, take life responsibly .

That’s how it works: is a web directory that makes neighborhood stores, bakeries, supermarkets and mini markets visible so that Colombians can get their supplies of food and groceries at home. “With this tool, we want neighborhood stores to remain in force, since they are engines of national commerce and economy, vital to strengthening the social fabric,” says Juan Fernando Maya Restrepo, Vice President of Sales at Postobón. The website is free, has more than 4,000 businesses in more than 115 municipalities and allows any business to register for addresses and be published after verifying their name, address and telephone number. It operates under georeferencing, which allows to know and contact stores near the houses. Postobón also invests 9.


Think more than about customers, about human beings, #we are stronger than Renault


“It fills us with satisfaction to be able to be an important support for these initiatives that want to move the country forward, in the midst of this pandemic. We know the effort that we are all making in the midst of the COVID-19 contingency and for this reason we want to invite other companies to join these initiatives”, says Matthieu Tenenbaum, CEO of RENAULT-Sofasa.

Their  slogan :  Let’s not let the country stand still.

This is how it works:  three initiatives, carried out by Renault Sofasa in its challenge to motivate companies and individuals to contribute a grain of sand for the benefit of the greatest number of people in a condition of vulnerability due to the global pandemic: it put the vehicles on test drive and demonstration available to the mobility of the Government’s social programs. With the program The field comes to me In alliance with the E-Commerce platform Siembra Viva, the Mónica Uribe Foundation, Ruta N and the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, it facilitates the donation, sale and delivery of local agricultural products -cultivated without agrochemicals and fair trade- to families with disabilities. And, he joined InnspiraMed, with a multidisciplinary team that provides agile and industrial scaling methodologies for the development of low-cost mechanical ventilators to supply hospitals. “We know the effort that we all make and for this reason we invite other companies to join and we join these programs. It fills us with satisfaction to be able to be an important support for the initiatives that want to be carried out and give privilege to life,” said Matthieu Tenenbaum, CEO of Renault Sofasa.


Other initiatives that add

Expert knowledge at the service of the world,   Microsoft’s BingCovid, to see in real time the indicators of the spread of Covid19 in the language of each country.

Act according to the purpose of the brand,  Netflix Party from Google and Netflix, a Google Chrome browser that allows you to watch series and movies in a virtual group.

Communicate on time,  #JuntosEnDigital , Vodafone to encourage people to express affection virtually, especially older adults.

Reaffirm the values,  #Somosungremiofuerte , Camacol Antioquia to give union support and hope to the construction sector.

Keeping the audience going,  Nightly Met Opera Streams ,  the free opera broadcasts from New York’s Metropolitan Opera, which also paves the way for donations for artists who have had to stop working.

Adding value to society in times of crisis is the best tool in the face of uncertainty  and can become the support and loyalty of current and potential customers.
