Automation: investment and savings

Automation supports the digital transformation of organizations, optimizes expenses, increases productivity and allows human intervention to be more strategic.

What is automation?

All the activities that are carried out in an organization are supported by processes, that is, they are activated in response to a need, they require information to comply with them, and they produce a result that requires monitoring for a certain time.

Automating processes is using technology to perform repetitive tasks without human assistance, in order to avoid interruptions in processes and optimize resources, especially time, effort and money. The industry, robotics and technology areas of companies use it to make better decisions.

Among other things, automation allows, through the installation of software or platforms, to simplify and speed up processes, increase effectiveness, productivity and security in companies, minimize the number of errors, achieve greater traceability and have better control of results.

Because it is important?

  • It is transversal to the operation of the company. Automation involves everything from the processes of the financial and technology areas to those of human management.
  • It helps to identify failures in activities and find possible solutions in less time.
  • By creating and assigning a single way to execute tasks, you standardize the results.
  • Although human intervention is less frequent, it is more valuable and strategic.
  • It enables the monitoring of each of the phases of the processes, gives the option of having access to the results in real time.
  • It allows obtaining consolidated reports with indicators, for example of compliance, which become opportunities for improvement.
  • It is key to identify and correct points where the return is low and the investment is high.
  • Strengthens the Management Systems of each company.
  • It helps to optimize the relationship between the client and the company.
  • Improve communication, as it eliminates intermediaries and creates quick solutions.

What must be considered?

To automate a process it is necessary:

  • Knowing it from start to finish, being clear who is involved, what information is needed, how it is transformed and what the final result is.
  • Measure the times that each task requires and show which is the one with the greatest investment to establish improvements.
  • Have as support a software, application or even Excel macros that help facilitate the process.
  • Seek advice that allows to obtain a result with north, boost the growth of the organization and facilitate adaptation to change.
  • Be clear about the objective of automation and the time it will be implemented, that is, if it will be maintained in the short, medium or long term.
  • Understand that being a gradual transformation may require changes or adjustments.
  • Documenting all the information, doing so helps to guarantee its permanence over time and to see opportunities for improvement.

And the collaborators?

Sensitizing human talent is key so that automation is not seen as a threat, but rather as a positive change for organizations. More than a way to replace manual work, it will provide practical solutions so that the operational workload decreases and employees focus on strategic issues of planning, innovation and management of digitalization.

Automation does not nullify human intervention, what it does is deal with specific processes so that the collaborator can focus on the strategic aspects of the company.
