artiE-commerce intelligence, a solution for companies in times of crisis in digitalization and document management

Through the integration of a logistics network and technology, The Restaurant Market emerged as an innovative solution for consumers.

Although e-commerce was having a good share of the market before the pandemic began and preventive distancing measures were implemented, it was during this time that there was an exponential increase in the purchase of products online, as there was a physical barrier between consumers and brands; this, without a doubt, made digitality a necessity for companies to maintain their operation.

Since its inauguration in April, The Restaurant Market platform has presented a monthly growth of 100% and has achieved that 50% of sales come from recurring customers.

In this context  , The Restaurant Market was born , a platform ( marketplace ) that allows people to buy pre-made products from a wide selection of restaurants in the cities of Medellín, Bogotá and Cali. With their value proposition “we do it for you” they seek to make life at home easier for people so that they can eat better, faster and at very good prices.

The idea arose in the mind of Santiago Ángel, who is part of the Hacienda restaurant chain. And it was precisely when he saw the situation that the business was going through and the changes in consumer behavior that he thought of creating a solution that would allow different brands in the gastronomy sector to continue in the market. He joined his brother Pablo de él and in April of this year they presented and enabled the platform.

The Restaurant Market shows the way in which the physical is integrated with the digital under a clear intention and without excluding itself; since it is understood as a logistics business that is supported on a technological platform.

What makes The Restaurant Market an e-commerce success story?

  • The restaurant curatorship . Their commitment is to make life easier for people by offering them different options. For this reason, one of the requirements to receive a company on the platform is that it offers products that are different from those that are already in the portfolio, in addition, before including it, they carry out a detailed study of the proposal.
  • Your deliveries are consolidated. The platform integrates a logistics network with allies that already have a delivery infrastructure in factors such as storage, cooling and distribution in different cities to ensure that users can buy various products in one place and in less time.
  • A purchase between cities. The logistic structure that they have established allows a person from Medellín, for example, to also buy products from a restaurant in Cali or Bogotá.
  • Permanent listening to the client. They understand that the opportunities for improvement arise from the consumer himself, which is why they are constantly restructuring, in fact, up to now they have four versions of the platform. One of his latest changes was to include the accessories in his portfolio, which allows, for example, that a person who buys some ribs from a restaurant also has the option of purchasing their favorite craft beer to accompany them.
  • They take advantage of digital tools  to have a backup of information, keep track of orders placed, keep inventory updated and track deliveries.

What to take into account to start an e-commerce business?

Santiago Ángel, founding partner of The Restaurant Market, recommends:


Begin.  Once you have the idea, it is important to test it in the real field to see if the business is viable.


Put aside the idea of ​​perfection.  The advantage of technological tools is that improvements can be made to the process and if something goes wrong it can always be corrected.


Listen to the customer.  To identify business opportunities, it is important to take consumer opinions into account, either through  big data analysis  or through direct contact with people.


Hold on to a purpose and not a plan.  It is important to be clear about what you want to do, keeping in mind that how can vary. The process should be seen as a blank sheet that is being completed and not as a predefined static route.

The key to the success of an  e-commerce  is to understand digitality as a means and not as an end. It is not being online for the sake of being online, it is being clear about the purpose and how technology is going to be used in your favor.
