Parental Control Apps – Safe kids, calm parents.

Social isolation due to Covid-19 has strengthened the relationship between children and technology. Parents, in order to protect them from cyber risks, in addition to establishing rules, must know and install the available tools.

programs that care

Parental control apps restrict the content kids can access from their computers, tablets, and other smart devices. These, although they are always necessary, become more relevant in these times when our children spend more hours in front of the screens.

These 5 tools will protect you from cyber risks such as harassment, extortion, bullying, access to pornography, among others.


Kids place
This Google app, available for Android and IOS, allows parents to limit potentially risky smart device functions, such as downloading apps, making phone calls, sending text messages, or shopping online.
download it here


It is recognized as one of the best Apps for the variety of control and restriction functions: it allows you to block websites and applications, track the location and send you alerts when your children try to access prohibited content. In addition, it limits the time of use of the cell phone and applications.

Learn more about FamiSafe


Norton Family
The added value of this software is that it allows you to keep track of the websites visited, send alerts to parents in the event that any rule is violated, and monitor the social networks and videos accessed by the little ones. In addition, it provides monthly activity reports and allows instant blocking.

Learn about additional Norton Family features


Magic Desktop
This software creates a safe environment for children, with interactive design and development that allows them to have fun and learn new skills from play. Magic Desktop customizes the desktop appearance, filters emails, and recommends safe websites for your child to have a worry-free online experience.

In this link you can have a free trial


Kaspersky SafeKids
This tool blocks YouTube searches that contain sensitive content, monitors screen time, and shares important data such as the location and battery level of your children’s devices with you. It includes an application for parents to monitor their children’s behavior and configure tools based on the search reports it returns. She also shares advice from child psychologists who are experts in digital safety.

To find out more about Kaspersky SafeKids you can click here

It is important that in addition to downloading an application to protect children, you talk to them so that they understand that you look after their well-being and they do not feel pressured and look for other devices to access restricted content.

Tips to take care of your children

  • To prevent them from isolating themselves and losing control over their online behavior, keep technology out of the bedrooms and allow them to use it as long as they are in open spaces, like the living room and dining room, near you.
  • When your child tries to access websites or applications that require a username and password, accompany and guide them at the time of registration to limit the personal data they share.
  • It is important that in addition to having apps and software installed that block websites, apps, and features, you have an active antivirus that protects messages, chats, search history, and emails from infectious files.
  • Monitorea con frecuencia el historial de navegación y la carpeta de descargas de los ceulares, tablets o computadores de tus hijos para detectar qué tipo de contenido están consultando. Si evidencias que han borrado algunos datos de su huella digital, es importante que dialogues con ellos y tomes medidas correctivas.
  • Mantén la cámara web deshabilitada para evitar posibles espionajes o hackeos, lo puedes hacer desde el panel de control de computador o usando adhesivos.
  • Revisar las configuraciones de las redes sociales de los niños, en especial los seguidores, mensajes, contenido que comparten y las cuentas vinculadas.
  • It is important that you have a first experience with the games or applications that your children are going to use, to identify if they have advertising and what type it is, if it includes charges associated with the credit card and if it requires you to share your personal data such as location, email or home address.
  • If your child asks you about issues related to navigation, the Internet or security, and you don’t have the answer, look it up on the web, consult with experts or ask the people close to you. Your willingness to learn and teach will allow you to be closer to him.
  • Enable the options for children that some devices or platforms or television operators have, such as Samsung, Netflix and Claro.

Source:  Plinio Neira Vargas
Systems engineer, specialist in technology and information systems
